idaho solar thermal Archives - Page 4 of 6 - Renewable Energy NW LLC
idaho solar thermal Archives - Page 4 of 6 - Renewable Energy NW LLC
CALL: 208-577-6537

Solar Thermal Answer for Frozen Driveways, Patios and Walks

Shoveling sidewalks, patios and driveways is hard work. It’s even harder if you put it off too long and it sits overnight in the sub-freezing temperatures. While using a snow blower helps, wouldn’t it be better if you didn’t have to deal with it at all? We’re not talking about moving to Florida. We’re talking about a smart solution that’s available right here in Southern Idaho. Solar thermal snow melting uses the sun’s rays to keep your driveway, sidewalks, and patios clear of snow and ice, regardless of the temperature.

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Use Solar Thermal for Warmer Floors!

Our cold winter mornings here in Idaho are more enjoyable with the addition of radiant floor heat. Walking on the cold tile first thing in the morning can be a shock to your system. Adding a radiant floor heating system alleviates this problem. Using a solar thermal radiant floor heating system is even better. Not only will you enjoy warm floors, but you’ll save money while being more environmentally friendly doing it!

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2018 Is Bright For The RENW Team!

The new year is off to a bright start!
This Winter was amazingly mild compared to last year’s snowpocalypse and we’ve made the most of the warmer temperatures to keep on bringing the power of the sun to the good people of the Northwest.

Even though it hasn’t been as cold as it could be our customers are still enjoying great free hot water from the sun! This means more hot showers, how soaks in the tub, and toasty toes thanks to radiant solar thermal floor heating – more than that: it equals savings!

How does solar thermal help you save?

There are lots of ways actually, but here’s the best reasons:

  • On average, by installing a solar water heater, your water heating bills should drop 50%.
  • Fast pay back – solar thermal has one of the fastest turn around times on cost.
  • Solar thermal is 94% efficient.
  • Our pumps use less than .5 amps and costs less than $1 per month to run.
  • Best of all because the sun is free, you’re protected from future fuel shortages and price hikes.

Solar thermal is an amazing technology, but it’s not hard to benefit from having it in your home and business – best of all we make it easy!
We’d love to talk more with you about how our solar thermal HVAC system can help you start saving with the sun, give us a call at or send an email to schedule your free solar site visit today.

What Will The 2017 Solar Eclipse Mean For You?

The world is abuzz with the news of the upcoming solar eclipse, especially here in Idaho! And with good reason, it’s been almost 40 years since there has been a full solar eclipse here in the United States; as that last time just skimmed several states this is a real event to witness!

For centuries an eclipse of the sun was a frightening event that caused panic and fear through the masses before it was understood. In old days Native American tribes told stories of a great bear that would come every so often and take a bite out of the sun, whereas the ancient Chinese believed he sun was being swallowed by a dragon. Even in modern times people can be superstitious about a solar eclipse – but we’re here to tell you that there is no reason to worry, especially if you’re a Renewable Energy NW solar thermal customer! Learn more about how solar thermal works

You see our technology is true solar thermal; that means it works great even on cloudy days! Thankfully our systems are also backed up by great water heaters as part of our whole home holistic approach to solar HVAC; even if the eclipse were to last for most of the day instead of just a few minutes our customers would still have plenty of hot water to serve their needs.

Sun eating bears? Hungry dragons? Don’t panic! You can put those boogeymen of old to rest and cut your energy costs by as much as half with modern comforts like the very best services from us. Call 208-577-6537 today to get your free site estimate!

idaho solar power


Harness the power of the sun to fuel your home or business for just pennies a day! Find out how much you can save!
idaho solar thermal


Solar thermal is a efficient way to heat all the water in your home! More than just hot showers, it can save you from shoveling snow too!
idaho house fan


Our whole house fans are one of the most efficient ways to cool your home and bring in fresh air!

idaho power independence


You don’t have to spend a lot to save a lot! Fact is, there are hundreds of ways to improve your home energy efficiency beyond solar!