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Blog - Page 2 of 22 - Renewable Energy NW LLC
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Why Farms and Ranches In Idaho Are Installing Solar!

Folks in Idaho have long been known for their independent nature and their passion for individualism! So, it comes as no wonder that so many here continue with the pioneer spirit when it comes to leading the way into the future with green energy!

And it makes sense, after all Idaho is a state with abundant sunshine, making it an ideal place for solar energy! Solar PV and solar thermal can provide farms and ranches with a number of benefits, including reducing energy costs, increasing sustainability, and improving resilience to climate change just to name a few! Let’s talk more about those facts…

Reduce Energy Costs

One of the biggest benefits of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal for farms and ranches is that it can help to reduce energy costs! Solar panels can generate electricity for a fraction of the cost of traditional energy sources, such as fossil fuels and solar thermal helps reduce the cost of heating water dramatically. This can save farmers and ranchers a significant amount of money on their monthly energy bills!

Improve Resilience to Climate Change AND Market Changes!

Climate change science is up for debate but more extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, do seem to be becoming more common. This can damage crops and livestock, and make it difficult for farmers and ranchers to operate their businesses.

Solar energy solutions like solar PV and solar thermal can help farms and ranches to become more resilient to climate change by providing a ready source of power and hot water even when weather becomes unpredictable. For instance, many people don’t realize how well our solar thermal systems work even on cloudy days! Renewable energy can even help farmers and ranchers to reduce their water consumption by using more up to date water pump systems in collaboration with solar thermal.

Government Incentives for Solar

There are a number of government incentives available to help farms and ranches install solar. The federal government alone offers a 30% tax credit for the cost of solar panels! REAP grants and other programs make it so your install is practically paid!

Considering Solar?
Solar energy offers a number of benefits for farms and ranches in Idaho and the Treasure Valley! Solar energy can help farms and ranches to reduce energy costs, increase sustainability, and improve resilience to climate change.

If you want to see how much you could be saving on your energy bill for your farm or ranch, we here at Renewable Energy NW LLC can assess your energy needs and determine how to help you save! Get in touch today!

Idaho Rural Businesses Can Save BIG With Solar!

Attention Rural Idaho Business Owners!

IDAHO SOLAR NEWS: REAP grants are providing unprecedented savings and incentives for qualifying rural businesses in Idaho! These grants and government incentive programs can not only reduce the cost of having solar solutions installed for your business, they can also make it so that these projects can literally pay for themselves before you even flip the switch.

Not to mention the ongoing savings and self-reliance you will gain by making your business more energy efficient!

We know about the challenges you face in working further out of town, and so we also understand how important running your business efficiently can be. That’s why we offer multiple solutions for rural business energy in order to provide optimal power at the best cost!

Renewable energy solutions like solar PV and solar thermal make a whole lot of sense (and save dollars!) for rural business owners in Idaho!

Here are just a few of the many benefits of solar for rural businesses:

  • Reduced energy costs: Solar can help rural Idaho businesses to reduce their energy costs by providing a renewable and sustainable source of hot water and electricity. This can be especially beneficial for businesses that have high energy needs, such as agricultural businesses, wineries, or food processors.
  • Increased energy security: Solar can help rural Idaho businesses to increase their energy security by reducing their reliance on the grid. This is especially important for businesses in remote areas where grid access is limited or unreliable.
  • Environmental benefits: Solar is a clean and renewable energy source that can help rural Idaho businesses to reduce their carbon footprint and other environmental impacts. This is can be very helpful for your business because it can improve the sustainability of your businesses and make it more attractive to customers as well as investors.
  • Economic benefits: Solar can help rural Idaho businesses to create jobs and boost the local economy. The installation and maintenance of solar systems requires skilled workers, and solar can also create new opportunities for businesses in the renewable energy sector.

Don’t miss out on this once-in-a-generation opportunity to make your rural Idaho business more energy-efficient and sustainable with solar!

Renewable Energy NW LLC has experience in the grant process as well as installing the systems you will need to not only get optimal energy efficiency but also maximum savings.

If you are a rural Idaho business owner, we urge you to consider renewable energy solutions as a way to reduce your energy costs, increase your energy security, and improve your sustainability. Contact Renewable Energy NW LLC today to learn more about our solar solutions and how we can help you get the most out of your investment.

Solar Hot Water Means Cool Savings!

We tend not to think much about it, we go to the tap and turn it on before we edge the faucet over to the H for hot water. But really, hot water in our homes is the next thing to magic! Before modern times we really had it rough and so it’s sort of surprising that such a luxury has become so commonplace. One other thing people don’t think about is the fact that the hot water they have come to rely on is one of the biggest impacts on their home energy costs in Idaho!

See, you’ve got not just the cost of the water but also heating it, and then distributing it to the point in your home where you want it. All that means cost! But there’s good news for homeowners in Idaho thanks to SOLAR THERMAL from Renewable Energy NW LLC!

Here’s some of the skinny on facts and figures!
According to the US Department of of Energy approximately 25% of a typical houses energy load is consumed heating hot water.  A typical house is heating water 24/7 365 days a year!

By choosing solar thermal application you can supply up to 90% of your hot water needs with energy supplied from the sun!  One 20 tube solar thermal panel creates 65 gallons of hot water on a clear winter day regardless of outside temperature (due to the evacuated tube).  The circulation pump uses less than .5 amps and costs less than $1 per month to collect the energy from the sun.  The system collects energy all day at a gain rate of 3-5 degrees gained through each panel and the water flowing at 2-3 gallons per minute.  The hot water is stored in and insulated tank for night time baths and morning showers.  Then the process starts all over again.   That nice steamy shower will feel even better when you know you heated the water for FREE!

Find out more about all we offer! Solar thermal, solar PV, and much more! Net Zero in Idaho is our focus, lowering your power bill is our goal!

Is Now a Good Time to Go With Solar for Your Home?

We met a lot of people who were curious about our whole home energy solutions while we were at the Western Idaho Fair this week!
Some were just curious about how solar thermal worked, others wanted to know the real nitty gritty about the facts and figures on saving money, and of course there were a fair share of people who still didn’t know what solar was – other than those panels they’ve started to see everywhere. We enjoyed talking to each and every one and telling them how we do more than JUST solar power – we look at your whole home power needs and do our best to hit net zero. 

Net Zero! Not just because it’s better for the planet – but because it’s better for your wallet too!
It can be tough to know what to think in today’s world. There’s plenty of misinformation about renewable energy, the local Idaho Power grid, and even companies that seek to profit from the lack of knowledge about the solar industry. That’s not us.  We’ve been installing solar thermal and more in the Treasure Valley for over a decade – from homes to dairies, carwashes, and more!

So is NOW the time to go solar in Idaho?
Now is the best time! Why is that? Well, no matter when you decide to go with green renewable energy you’ll see an automatic savings in your monthly power bills. There are still incentives for homeowners that can help make it even more affordable. And lastly, because the rules and costs of not being energy independent are always changing it’s always a good time to insulate yourself against changes in the market.

Can Solar Add Value to My Idaho Home?

You may have heard us mention in our last blog post that adding solar to your home can not only help you save money on your monthly energy bills in Idaho but also add value to your home… So, how is that exactly? Well, in addition to creating great energy independence the day you turn it on, our Idaho solar solutions can help insulate you against changes to the power grid and local power policies! We do more than just measure your roof to see how many panels it can hold, we look at your whole home energy use and provide a working solution to help you save – net zero is our goal because we know it’s the way homes should be!

Here are some other ways that Renewable Energy NW home solar solutions can increase the value of your home:

  • Energy efficiency. Homes with solar panels are seen as more energy-efficient than homes without solar panels. This is because solar panels can generate electricity, which can help to reduce a home’s reliance on the grid. Homebuyers are increasingly looking for energy-efficient homes, so having solar panels can make your home more attractive to buyers.
  • Demand. The demand for homes with solar panels is increasing. This is because more and more people are becoming aware of the benefits of solar energy. As the demand for solar homes increases, so will the value of your home.
  • Tax benefits. There are a number of federal, state, and local tax benefits available to homeowners who install solar panels. These tax benefits can help to offset the upfront cost of solar panels, making them even more affordable. As a result, homes with solar panels are often worth more than homes without solar panels.
  • Appreciation. Solar panels can appreciate in value over time. This is because solar panels are a long-term investment that can save homeowners money on their energy bills. As the cost of electricity continues to rise, the value of solar panels will only increase.

According to a study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), homes with solar panels sell for an average of $15,000 more than homes without solar panels. This means that solar panels can add significant value to your home.

Of course, the amount of value that solar panels add to your home will vary depending on a number of factors, such as the size of your solar pv system, the location of your home, and the demand for solar homes in your area. However, even if solar panels only add a small amount of value to your home, they can still be a wise investment, not only for the future but for the money they can help you save every day until it comes time to sell! 

If you are interested in knowing more about our services, or how our fantastic solar thermal solutions can even help you save on heating water for your home, please get in touch! We’re only a call or an email away!

idaho solar power


Harness the power of the sun to fuel your home or business for just pennies a day! Find out how much you can save!
idaho solar thermal


Solar thermal is a efficient way to heat all the water in your home! More than just hot showers, it can save you from shoveling snow too!
idaho house fan


Our whole house fans are one of the most efficient ways to cool your home and bring in fresh air!

idaho power independence


You don’t have to spend a lot to save a lot! Fact is, there are hundreds of ways to improve your home energy efficiency beyond solar!